Avoid these 3 mistakes to become a successful blogger

Quandeel Mazhar
2 min readAug 26, 2021


Do you know 99% of blogs fail every year? Well, this might be shocking for you, but it is true. Every year thousands of people start a blog in the search of a passive income source. What they forget is to do in-depth research before starting blogging.

The major issue which makes blogs fail is that they do not focus on market research and value before starting the blog. They lack the know-how of market gaps and thus, they cannot stand out in the crowd of blogs.

Never blindly run after passion

It is always wise to know what not to do before we learn what to do. So, while you are making a blog, never ever solely choose the niche based on your passion.

What might drive you crazy would not necessarily attract other people. You cannot blindly choose a niche where the number of interested people is less even if you are passionate about it.

Value of niche

Never choose a niche in which people would not spend money on. If readers spend money on a niche, it makes it easier for you to diversify your blog income.

The most important thing is money, apparently. No one wants to spend their hard-earned pennies on a thing they know nothing about. So if you guide them on how to spend money on the right product, they will love your content.


Suppose you are great at making paper ships. You decide to teach it on your blog. Will anyone be interested in learning this “skill”? Will anyone put their time and money into this niche?

Almost no one would bother to search this. Eventually, you will fail to get traffic on your blog leading to turn your blog reach the 99% failed blog list.

Take away

You can choose a niche which you like to write on but it must have:

  • Value in the market.
  • People spend money on it.
  • People are passionate about it.
  • It brings a change in lives.
  • The niche is not saturated and has some gaps to be filled.

If your desired niche follows this checklist, congratulations, my friend, you are a future star blogger.



Quandeel Mazhar

Quandeel Mazhar is a passionate blogger. She is a web copy specialist and a copywriter.