Content Writers fool in the name of quality

Quandeel Mazhar
3 min readSep 18, 2020


Businesses do not need high-quality writers. Any writer would do the job.

Are you also a business person who has similar views about content writers? Do you also think it is useless to spend dollars on writers?

If yes, welcome to this post dedicated to precious business minds like yours.

Let us start with an example.

Which doctor will you choose from these two?

1: I will do your surgery and remove damaged organs so that your life expectancy can be improved. Charges: 100$

2: I will cut your body with blades and take out the necessary organs to make you live longer. Charges: 10$

If you are mentally stable like me, you will surely go to the first doctor.

Why? Because life matters to you.

If your business matters to you, I know you will never want to ruin its first impression by getting your business content and copy written by a shitty writer.

Though this reason is enough to prove the importance of a quality writer, let me explain in detail what difference a quality writer can make to your business.

  1. A great first impression

Although good graphics and website’s responsiveness matter in your business’s first impression, there is another factor. Will a potential customer convert to you if they do not have enough information about your service.

Let us see an example of two descriptions of the same doll.

Product 1: This is a doll.

Product 2: Amazing pack of joy for younger ones, which makes them more compassionate and loving. Buy this doll and let them practice human interactions.

Which one will you buy?

I know you will go towards second as it perfectly communicates the product details. It also has a call to action in the perfect sentence.

2. Higher number of conversions and sales

The second product description will have at least 50 times more sales than the first one.

No doubt, words hold immense power. If your website, blog or web copy has perfect intros, the number of sales and visitors will increase exponentially.

The right style of narration and call to actions can do magic to your business. If you have not explored it yet, you are doing injustice to your business.

3. Makes your business more discoverable

Here comes the real perk. Yes, you have read it right. Great content can make you more discoverable and reachable towards your customers. This increases the chances of meeting the right consumers.

If you have 4 branches, you will get more sales than what you get from 1 branch.

So when a great content writer makes you rank on 5 keywords, the chances of people finding you increase comparatively.

This is something that digital businesses should never ignore.

Final verdict

Let us end this again with the last example to clarify why a Quality writer is essential to make your business successful.

Here are two websites selling tires:

1: Our tires are the best in the world. Buy them here, plz.

2: With the best rubber imported from Germany and manufacturing in Japan, our tires are a reliable companion for your four-wheelers. Click here to get a 70% discount.

Now tell me which one will ace the ranking competition?

I leave the decision to you.

If you still are not convinced, I would just say, what is the point of establishing a shop if it does not have any door? Give your business multiple doors.

Get your content written from expert content and copywriters. I promise you will feel the difference.


Hey there, if you are reading me for the first time, this is Quandeel Mazhar, a passionate blogger. I am a web copy specialist and a copywriter. I also teach aspiring writers how to earn online.

See you soon.



Quandeel Mazhar

Quandeel Mazhar is a passionate blogger. She is a web copy specialist and a copywriter.