Cybercrime And Cryptocurrency: Understanding The Risk And Phenomenon Of Crypto Assets

Quandeel Mazhar
3 min readJul 7, 2022


Today, cryptocurrencies are now a globally recognized phenomenon. They are rapidly entering the mainstream, and more individuals are researching the crypto realm. But unfortunately, cybercriminals adore the concept of uncontrolled currency. It has introduced new attack routes and a new method for crooks to vanish without a trace.

Fears Of Cryptocurrency Adoption

Due to previous frauds and cybercriminal activity, it is widely believed that crypto assets, such as Bitcoin, should not be embraced. Fear is a potent motivator, with most individuals unwilling to ‘gamble’ their money on a market that seems erratic and unsafe. However, it is a new weapon hackers might employ to their advantage.

Tracking the activities and transactions of asset wallet addresses is far simpler and faster than the typical fiat currency, like US dollars, which moves across borders and bank accounts. In addition, the lack of financial systems simplifies and reduces the cost of transferring bitcoin in your name compared to traditional currencies.

A Loophole

Additionally, it is essential to highlight that all transactions are recorded and visible on a public ledger. On the blockchain, everyone can thus see where cash was moved to and from.

This is considered a strength of crypto assets but is also their greatest drawback. Due to the absence of intermediate agencies, such as government or banking firms, and the lack of banking costs, hackers find cryptocurrency to be the ideal means of eluding capture. Unfortunately, once your funds have been sent, there is no recourse.

Cybercrime And Cryptocurrency — Risks Of Cryptocurrency

Since cryptocurrencies are essentially unregulated and not supervised by a central body, it is impossible to closely monitor their transactions. It makes them a sanctuary for international illicit activities. As a result, cryptocurrencies may readily transport millions of dollars over international boundaries undetected.

  • Pseudonymous

Since neither transactions nor accounts are linked to real-world identities, it is simple for thieves to stay anonymous when using cryptocurrencies. Payments are made using “Bitcoin addresses,” and new addresses may be created quickly. Even though it is often feasible to evaluate the transaction flow, it is difficult to link the real-world identities of the owners of such addresses.

  • Fast and global

Cryptographic transactions are virtually instantaneous, with quick verification in minutes. Since they occur on a worldwide network of computers, they have no regard for a physical location. Whether you transmit Bitcoin to a neighbour or someone on the opposite side of the planet makes no difference.

Cryptocurrencies have become the most common form of payment on the dark web due to their permission to merchants and purchasers to remain anonymous.

Managing The Crypto Risks

Cryptocurrency is on the rise and is tough to abuse. Nevertheless, you must handle the risks correctly.

  • Research Coins Thoroughly

Do your homework before investing in crypto, and only invest what you can afford to lose. Investing in cryptocurrency the moment you hear or see someone professional getting fast results is an unhealthy choice.

  • Understand The Reward/Risk Ratio

A reward-to-risk ratio tells you how much you stand to make for each unit of currency you risk. Decide how much you’re willing to lose before you spend.

  • Diversify your portfolio

Investing in several cryptocurrencies might reduce the risk elements. A diversified portfolio decreases the portfolio’s inherent risk. Since investments are spread over many coins, volatility may be mitigated. Some coins fluctuate dramatically, whereas others do not.

Final Verdict

Everything has its hazards and benefits. Therefore, you should not mindlessly follow the trend in crypto or any other market; instead, you should study and choose the best option. In addition, investors should investigate different risk management approaches in crypto trading to prevent future misfortunes before making purchases.

Simply put, cryptocurrency is incredibly unclear and volatile, potentially making you fabulously wealthy or penniless.



Quandeel Mazhar

Quandeel Mazhar is a passionate blogger. She is a web copy specialist and a copywriter.